Rocco Ivanovich

Chief Information Officer, North America (Houston)

Rocco Ivanovich

What is the most interesting technological advancement over the past five years?

Technology continues to change at an ever faster pace. One recent advancement is the evolution of the “consumerization” of enterprise solutions. We see this disruptive impact on user interface design, how data is processed, and how it is presented. There is more of a focus on the modern user experience. Newer communication tools are now incorporating gaming theory techniques to enhance engagement and participation.  

Consumer products are now making it into enterprise solutions, and that is being driven by user demand. This has happened with the acceptance of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs, which has led to consumer apps being incorporated into platforms, and the expectation that enterprise software solutions include mobile apps. 

This disruption is changing the expectations people have towards IT staff, and adding to the growing skillsets needed by the modern IT professional.

What is your biggest challenge as a CIO?

Ensuring that effective “change management” is happening within the organisation for solutions delivered by IT.  I often tell people (so much so they are tired of hearing it) that the technology is the easy part, change management is the hard part.  Effective change management greatly enhances the likelihood of success for any initiative.  

Some of the critical steps for effective change management:

  • Identifying what needs to change and that we understand it.   
  • Ensuring that people are prepared for the changes. This involves regular communication for awareness.
  • Carrying out essential testing by the groups affected by the change. They need to trust that the technology and process changes being offered are complete and accurate. 
  • Making sure we have documented the business changes and that the organisation is prepared for these changes.