Audrey Kaptouom

Senior Analyst (Paris)

With an MA in both Telecommunications from Centrale-Supelec and Energy Markets from IFP engineering schools in Paris, Audrey has spent three years in the STAT team, working on asset optimisation and power market analysis.

EDFT promotes a supportive environment. Autonomy and adaptation are essential as market rules and processes change continuously.

Why did you decide on energy trading as a career?

I’ve always been fascinated by geopolitics. As an engineer, energy is both technical and the root of important political decisions, so it made sense for me to choose this industry. After some experience in oil and gas mergers and acquisitions, the opportunity at EDFT offered insight into the power market and was my ticket to be where changes were happening.

Which aspects of your job require collaborative working?

My work consists of building the order matrix for day-ahead power markets. STAT is the interface between the optimisation team, power and gas traders and the scheduling team. Communication is the key that ensures production assets are well optimised.

I’ve always been fascinated by geopolitics. As an engineer, energy is both technical and the root of important political decisions, so it made sense for me to choose this industry.

How would you describe the company culture at EDFT?

Achievement through individuality. EDFT promotes an intellectually stimulating and supportive environment. Autonomy and adaptation are essential as market rules and processes change continuously.

What fashion trend do you hope makes a comeback?

Bright colours at work! I don’t know if they ever existed but monochromatic environments leave no space for personality or expression.